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Letter from an indigenous woman to the world

              Letter from an indigenous woman to the world
" I'm an indigenous woman, daughter of the earth and the sun, I belong to a race with an ancient culture that today I kept as a treasure... I live with what surrounds me, with the rain, the wind, the mountain, the sky... I'm happy in these loneliness... I have time to count the stars, time to put my dreams to the day, to dance with the birds feeling the fresh air of dawn and speak in silence with animals, with plants, with the spirits...
I know sowing with the moon the fruits of the food, dyed wool to make the tissue, make medicine as taught me my grandmother, sing to the new day.
I know knead it simply with fidelity and tenderly... I am indigenous woman, woman as a mother earth, fertile, quiet, protective and strong.
I don't know of economy, no banks, no policy or grants. But if I know when my world is in danger and I know when things are good or not.
I don't understand many things, to the people of the government that come with a lot of promises, the words of air when there are elections and then nothing, to those who come to want to change my world, my clothes, my spirituality... Those who steal, those who experience with my kids, or they take their organs for winkas rich,
Those who lie, which I take the land, which I explode, those who exchanged my art and my tissue for food or alcohol and I get paid a pittance for the work of months for sale in distant cities of Europe.
I don't understand those who are my friends to get knowledge, those that come with big machines to cut the forest, which agujerean earth to get his blood, those who hide in the community trash cans to contaminate us, those of us who Put vaccines, those who are experiencing with my blood, those who have good faith and believe that come to help me blend in getting cables of light and bringing the "Box Boba" to confuse me,
Those who make me shoes, those who want to change my ancestral customs, I look like a freak and I take pictures, those who want to dance for money, the ones that come with a lot of pretty words to make churches in our sacred places,
Those who are trying to slave with dependencies beyond my culture, the armed entering in our lands to kick us out, to foreigners who come from vacation of guerrillas to deal with the military and then are protected their distant lands... Sometimes things get worse for our people, to catch us, kill us...
Nor do I understand those who despise me, those who ignore me, those who don't care anything and I steal everything, even my dignity...
I am indigenous woman and I know what I want... To change things, those things that hurt inside and are getting bigger as the powerlessness, the helplessness, destruction, the words are not complied with, the heartbreak and that feeling of being raped constantly.
I want to scream leave me in peace!... I want to go on living so simply, with the earth and my people, the one who laughs, which creates, which vibrates the life as well as it is, without altering the things, which it shares, the one that caresses, which has no hurry and loves Without expecting anything, the one that will not be bored...
I want you to respect me, I'm a woman of the earth, strong as the tree that is resistant to the wind as the flagging in the current, strong as the highest mountain, fragile as the hummingbird and sweet as the sunsets.
I am indigenous woman, daughter of the earth and the sun and even though I don't understand a lot of things, is what I want. I have hope and I know that things are gonna change.


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