A friend shared this and I really liked the lesson! I think you might too. *original poster (Kate Scott 2020)*: Joe Becigneul 25-11-2020 RUN THE DISHWASHER TWICE. When I was at one of my lowest (mental) points in life, I couldn’t get out of bed some days. I had no energy or motivation and was barely getting by. I had therapy once per week, and on this particular week I didn’t have much to ‘bring’ to the session. He asked how my week was and I really had nothing to say. “What are you struggling with?” he asked. I gestured around me and said “I dunno man. Life.” Not satisfied with my answer, he said “No, what exactly are you worried about right now? What feels overwhelming? When you go home after this session, what issue will be staring at you?” I knew the answer, but it was so ridiculous that I didn’t want to say it. I wanted to have something more substantial. Something more profound. But I didn’t. So I t...
This is a compilation of interesting stories,good quotes all taken from sources like Internet,Face Book etc. செய்திகள்.குட்டி கதைகள்,புகைப்படங்கள் சில நம் மனதினை தொட்டுவிடும்.ரசித்து படித்திட இந்த வலைப்பதிவு